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Purchase Tickets for the High Holidays 2024

TBZ membership includes access to High Holiday services, both in-person and online. A 1-adult membership includes access for one person, and a 2-adult membership includes access for two adults. Children of members are included on their parent/guardian’s ticket. Adult children (age 20 and up) will require tickets; they can be purchased by their parents/guardians who are members of TBZ or adult children are welcome to become TBZ members themselves (we have a special membership for those under age 30). As in the past, TBZ members will be able to purchase additional tickets for family and friends. 

Prices for tickets are as follow:
• Immediate Family of TBZ members - $136 (these tickets must be purchased by TBZ members)
• Family and Guests of TBZ members - $200
• General Community tickets (non-members) - $360

Tickets will include the full experience of in-person and online offerings. All those who plan to join us exclusively online are expected to have tickets. As always, our doors – physical and virtual – are open to all. If finances present a challenge for your membership or tickets, do no hesitate to contact TBZ’s executive director, Benjamin Maron ( or call the TBZ office at 617-566-8171.

There is no need to reserve space or indicate which services you will attend once you have tickets. Your tickets work for any of the services you choose to join. You do not need to register or let us know which services you plan to attend. (This is different from past years.) 

   [TBZ Members] Immediate Family - $136
   [TBZ Members] Guests - $200
   [Non-Members] - $360
Thu, September 19 2024 16 Elul 5784